• Territorial


ShiGang Dam

發佈日期: 2011-07-15

: 發佈單位: 中水分署

瀏覽人次: 1788

Construction Period
The construction of Shigang Dam was started in October 1974 and completed in October 1977.

Functional Goal
Shigang Dam regulates tail water from power plants along Dajia River upstream of the dam site to provide water for domestic, industrial and agricultural use within the Taichung metropolitan area. The dam also provides recreational function. Shigang Dam plays an important role in promoting economical development as well as maintaining people's welfare in the Taichung metropolitan area.

Damages caused by 921 earthqua
During the 921 Earthquake in 1999, the broken zone of a fault had caused cracks in the dam and stilling basin, distortion of several gates, and raised #17 and #18 spillway at right section of the dam by 10m around. The Shigang Dam had lost its regulating capability since the earthquake. In addition, the end section of the transmission tunnel was broken by 2.2 m. As a result, the tunnel cannot function properly.

Existing Function
The Shigang Dam has now been renovated at the end of 2000, thus making the Shigang Dam look brand-new and regain its water supply capability. 

After our office's efforts to plan and remain the original look, the damaged part of structures became “National Earthquake Memorial Landscape” on the right bank of the Shigang Dam. Also, the fishway was set up on spillway No.16 to protect fish ecology in the Dajia River.

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