• Official



發佈日期: 2016-04-18

: 發佈單位: 中水分署

瀏覽人次: 3897

1.Hydrlolgy section
In charge of hydrological monitoring research, development of information systems and to register and manage water rights.
2.Planning section
To draw up, evaluate and plan water resources projects, to perform water resources engineering design. 
3. Construction section
To handle construction related work, tenders, contracts, labor safety, environment monitoring, inspection and acceptance, progress evaluation, settlement, assess payment for disaster treatment, and apparatus procurement. 
4. Quality control section
In charge of construction inspection, quality control and assessment.
5.Property management section
In charge of land acquisition, property management. 
6. Water management section
To allocate, coordinate and manage regional water resources. 
7.Facility maintenance section
To conserve and manage water resources and catchment, to inspect and maintain existing facilities and fund management. 
8.Shigang Dam management center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Shigang Dam. 
9.Liyutan Weir management center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Liyutan Reservoir. 
10.Jiji weir management center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Jiji Diversion Weir. 
11.Hushan Reservoir Management Center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Hushan Reservoir. 
12.Niaozueitan Artificial Lake Management Center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Niaozueitan Artificial Lake. 
13. Secretary section
To handle appraisement, records, official seals, teller, general affairs, public relations, national compensation, populace services, and miscellaneous matters not covered by other sections. 
14.Personnel office
To handle personnel matters. 
15. Accounting office
To handle bookkeeping accounting and statistics.
16.Ethic office
To handle ethic affairs.
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