發佈日期: 2016-04-18
: 發佈單位: 中水分署
瀏覽人次: 3897
1.Hydrlolgy section
In charge of hydrological monitoring research, development of information systems and to register and manage water rights. |
2.Planning section
To draw up, evaluate and plan water resources projects, to perform water resources engineering design. |
3. Construction section
To handle construction related work, tenders, contracts, labor safety, environment monitoring, inspection and acceptance, progress evaluation, settlement, assess payment for disaster treatment, and apparatus procurement. |
4. Quality control section
In charge of construction inspection, quality control and assessment. |
5.Property management section
In charge of land acquisition, property management. |
6. Water management section
To allocate, coordinate and manage regional water resources. |
7.Facility maintenance section
To conserve and manage water resources and catchment, to inspect and maintain existing facilities and fund management. |
8.Shigang Dam management center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Shigang Dam. |
9.Liyutan Weir management center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Liyutan Reservoir. |
10.Jiji weir management center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Jiji Diversion Weir. |
11.Hushan Reservoir Management Center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Hushan Reservoir. |
12.Niaozueitan Artificial Lake Management Center
In charge of operation, maintenance and management of Niaozueitan Artificial Lake. |
13. Secretary section
To handle appraisement, records, official seals, teller, general affairs, public relations, national compensation, populace services, and miscellaneous matters not covered by other sections. |
14.Personnel office
To handle personnel matters. |
15. Accounting office
To handle bookkeeping accounting and statistics. |
16.Ethic office
To handle ethic affairs. |